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It is now widely accepted that more Google searches are conducted on mobile devices than on laptops. Companies, particularly those with substantial or business levels of spend, have jumped on the mobile bandwagon by investing in better mobile sites, high average placements for mobile advertising, and even dedicating considerable development time to participate in betas like Google Purchases. Furthermore, paid search companies and search engines have been constantly collaborating to develop mobile strategies and breakthroughs.

Given the trend and developments, there are still many businesses who have made little or no investment in mobile advertising. As a result, Google recently invited a select group of advertising experts from agencies around the United States to attend their Mobile Guru Day in Mountain View, and Freelancers were excited to join. We’ve combined Google’s training insights with our own agency expertise to present some simple steps for you to prove that mobile advertising is worth the investment for your business.


The first step in starting the mobile marathon is to identify the mobile potential for your company. Google created and suggests Our Mobile Planet as a fantastic place to start when determining where the biggest possibilities are. This interactive website displays statistics for individual nations as well as basic demographics (age and gender) associated with mobile behaviour (anything from mobile phone usage to interaction with mobile advertising). This might assist demonstrate trends or answer queries regarding mobile contact with your company’s target market. Remember that the data only extends back to 2013, and it is not industry-specific.

Assuming your company appears organically in Google search results, consult your organic search data for information on how your clients search on mobile devices. To monitor how consumers search for phrases important to your business, you may retrieve a query report segregated by device, albeit many inquiries are now tagged “not available” due to privacy concerns. Google’s Keyword Planner, included under AdWords, is another option for estimating traffic for any phrase you’re interested in. You may obtain an idea of where to start bidding for various phrases to create a certain amount of clicks by using the daily estimates for traffic at specific bids (on the right side of the Keyword Planner). So, if you are looking for a good digital marketing institute in Pune or Mumbai that provides courses then you can definitely check these blogs; best digital marketing course in Pune and the best digital marketing institute in Mumbai.


What if you’ve spent money on mobile advertisements but aren’t obtaining the desired results? Here are the main factors to consider in order to swiftly detect problems and improve performance.

Examine your mobile’s average location. According to Google, CTR reduces by 90% on average from position two to three. CPCs on mobile are often lower than on desktop, therefore a greater CTR should result in a better return on your investment in this area.

Are you utilising mobile-optimized extensions, such as sitelinks and callouts? In general, the usage of extensions improves quality scores, which helps to cut CPCs at present positions. We’ve also discovered that employing mobile-specific ad text and extensions for mobile advertisements improves performance dramatically.

If your mobile CVR is poor, consider improving certain areas of your site. Site search functionality, checkout procedure easiness, and page load time are all major chances for raising conversions and assisting consumers to buy right away rather than switching devices or worse, going to one of your rivals.

Make sure your top selling goods get keyword and PLA coverage, especially on mobile. Consider bidding higher on these items since they provide the biggest opportunities for profiting conversions.


One of the most difficult difficulties in the mobile advertising sector is effectively attributing orders or other conversion-type activities back to mobile when customers switch devices often and engage with your shop in a variety of ways. To begin, it’s critical to understand how mobile advertisements might help other aspects of your organisation. We found that thinking about mobile as the first stage in the purchase funnel (i.e. browsing) and other devices and channels, which may have greater conversion rates owing to mobile browsing as the end of the funnel, typically helps businesses new to the mobile game (i.e. shopping).


Dive into mobile advertising might be intimidating, especially if you haven’t begun yet or if your performance isn’t stellar. However, the best course of action is to at least begin with a few of the actions outlined above, and most importantly, don’t dismiss the influence of mobile advertising. The quantity of mobile queries will only increase in the near future, therefore it’s important to press on with your mobile marathon, and Freelancers will continue to assist you along the way to increased effectiveness.