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Managing Your Crypto currency Portfolio with a Ledger Wallet

If you’ve recently purchased cryptocurrency, chances are you received it through a crypto exchange. In order to keep your coins safe, however, you will need to transfer them into a secure hardware wallet like the Ledger Nano S. This is an important step in protecting your digital assets and ensuring their security. In this article, we’ll explain how to safely and securely transfer cryptocurrency from an exchange to a hard wallet(硬錢包)

Setting up Your Ledger Wallet 

The first step in transferring your crypto from an exchange to a Ledger wallet is setting up the wallet itself. To begin, visit the official website of the Ledger Nano S and purchase the device. Once it arrives, follow the instructions that come with it for setting it up properly. This includes connecting your device to your computer, creating a pin code, writing down your recovery phrase, and installing any necessary apps or software onto your computer or mobile device. 

Choosing Your Cryptocurrency  

Once you’ve set up your Ledger wallet, it’s time to decide which cryptocurrency you want to transfer over from the exchange. Decide which coins you would like to store on the wallet and make sure they are supported by both the exchange and the wallet before proceeding any further. 

Finding Your Address  

Next, you will need to find out what address belongs to your wallet so that you can send funds over from the exchange platform. To do this, connect your ledger device via USB cable and open up the app associated with whichever coin you wish to transfer over (e.g., Bitcoin). Once open, click on “Receive” within the app and then copy its public address into clipboard memory by clicking on “Copy Address” at bottom right of screen. Make sure this is done correctly as mistakes can cost dearly!  

Sending Funds From Exchange    Now that you have copied your public address onto clipboard memory all that remains is for you to send funds over from exchange platform of choice (Coinbase Pro is one example of popular exchanges). To do so simply log in with relevant login details before selecting “Send/Receive” tab at top of page followed by “Send” button located at bottom right of screen whereupon field labelled “Recipient Address” must be filled in with copied public address taken off clipboard memory earlier on in process just moments ago (see above). Click submit once complete plus double-check all information entered correctly for good measure!      

Once submitted correctly upon completion of process described above expect funds sent over from exchange platform of choice (Coinbase Pro) instantly appearing within respective app belonging alongside relevant cryptocurrency stored upon ledger device purchased earlier on in setup process outlined initially at start of article/tutorial here today! Congratulations – mission accomplished – enjoy newfound peace mind afforded courtesy hardware wallet such as ledger nano s used here today when transferring digital currency away from vulnerable online platforms/exchanges!   Thanks for reading!